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Doosan People

Doosan People

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Every Doosan person is asked to contribute to the Company, regardless of individual capability or expertise. He or she upholds our Core Values and puts them into practice.

  • Cultivating People
    Cultivating People
    Doosan people approach others with respect and consideration. In turn, we view our people as individuals, not simply a means to achieve corporate performance.

    As people are the center of who we are, we take genuine care in their development, making their cultivation our top long-term priority..
  • Inhwa
    Our people understand that individual performance is vital to team performance. Each individual pursues the common goals of the organization and voluntarily collaborates based on mutual trust.

    They achieve strong teamwork in the truest sense of the word, one that is firmly grounded on fairness and camaraderie. At Doosan we describe this as Inhwa.
  • Limitless Aspiration
    Limitless Aspiration
    Doosan people impose no limits to their aspirations, constantly setting higher goals and standards. When we say ‘higher goals and standards’, these goals are not about just becoming Number One.

    They are about setting goals high enough to allow people to feel great personal pride when they are achieved. Imposing no limits to our aspiration means our efforts and improvements to constantly raise the bar are both unceasing and voluntary. The sense of achievement from achieving our goals provides strong motivation to go beyond our individual limits, fueled by individual curiosity and passion. Our people find great personal meaning through this virtuous cycle, spontaneously and tirelessly driving their aspiration to the next level.
  • Open Communication
    Open Communication
    Doosan people are completely open in communication. We have a strong trust base which allows colleagues to freely express opinions and value those of others, regardless of hierarchy. In fact, we have an obligation to provide constructive dissent when backed by clear rationale.

    When we make mistakes, we acknowledge them. We never hide them. People who acknowledge mistakes and keep their promises are truly worthy of trust. Such trust enables open communication.
  • Tenacity & Drive
    Tenacity & Drive
    Our People possess true tenacity and the drive to make even the hardest things possible. When faced with a problem, we never give up but exhaustively research every possibility until we find the answer. But we are different in how we define tenacity. We look at the situation from numerous perspectives, never simply relying on ourselves and our existing resources.

    Doosan people practice ‘smart tenacity’ utilizing every available option and means, both internal and external, from preparation to implementation, to achieve goals. At all times, we keep the concept of successful closure in mind and at the forefront of everything we do. Where necessary, and without hesitation, we actively seek out new ideas, knowledge, technologies and resources, regardless of origin. This allows us to access the best insights and talent in the market.
  • Prioritization & Focus
    Prioritization & Focus
    Our people focus and prioritize on what matters most. Whatever task we are faced with, our work starts with identifying priorities.

    When priorities are set, we mobilize all available resources and go straight to the heart of the hardest and most important issues, solving them once and for all.

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